The Full Story
About PACS
Portland Adventist Community Services – PACS is a vibrant faith-based Community of Service made up of staff, volunteers, donors, and community partners who work together to provide food, low-cost dental care, and low-cost clothing/household items to individuals and families.

Following Christ’s example, we nourish the mind, body, and spirit, while fostering dignity among those we serve.

We treat each other and those we serve like treasure. Not because they earn it with their actions, but because of who we strive to be.

We prioritize detail so every volunteer, staff, and customer will be emotionally and
physically safe.

Understanding that the fear of failure will prevent the innovation we need to further our mission, we invest in the future through training and encouraging new ideas.

We engage to create a warm, welcoming, and
fun environment for everyone. The elements
of a great experience are greeting, cleanliness, ambiance, efficiency, and gratitude.

We are people of all shapes and colors, serving people of all shapes and colors.

ACS began in 1934 when women from the Sunnyside Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Adventist Sanitarium (now Adventist Health Portland) began meeting to sew quilts and clothing for struggling families during the Great Depression. Gradually the group started to distribute food in addition to clothing. In 1963 the ministry expanded when additional churches joined the effort, seeking to pool their resources to create a more effective program. That is when PACS was officially founded as a nonprofit organization under the umbrella of the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SDA). In 1993 the PACS Health Clinic was added (closed in 2018), in 1995 the PACS Thrift Stores were launched, and in 2019 Gateway Grace Clinic, a caring dental clinic was added.
PACS Welcomes All
PACS welcomes all. We respect the human rights and dignity of everyone we serve regardless of your race, age, religion, country of origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical and mental abilities. While we are a faith-based organization affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, we do not require you as a client, program participant, or volunteer to attend or take part in any religious activities to receive services. You can also be assured that your personal beliefs have no bearing on the services you receive.
The PACS Food Pantry and Mobile Food Pantry provide nutritious food to the residents of our community regardless of citizenship or immigration status. We are not a government agency. We do not collect or share information about your immigration status. We protect your personal information and keep it secure. Our food pantry and mobile food pantry also comply with the US Department of Agriculture’s Nondiscrimination Policy.
As a faith-based organization, if you are a volunteer with us or are a client, you may encounter the presence of Christian symbols, pictures, or literature in our building. Staff members, other volunteers, or clients may acknowledge or talk about God in their normal conversations. Before opening our doors for service each day, PACS also has a short song, prayer, and devotional thought that is optional for all staff members and volunteers. You will not be exposed to religious instruction or religious proselytization unless you request such information. If you request information, it will be provided after business hours.
If you have questions about this statement or believe that there has been a violation of this statement, please request to speak with Executive Director Laura Pascoe in person at our administrative office, or by phone 503-252-8500, ext 1113 about your complaint or concern so that rapid and constructive action can be taken before relationships become irreparably strained.
We will say it again. All are welcome here!